Contouring Archives - Radium Aesthetic

Radium Aesthetic

All Treatment: Contouring

Tripollar V Lift

TriPollar uses RF energy to tighten saggy skin by stimulating the deeper layers of the skin to stimulate collagen growth.

PDO Nose Thread Lift

Korean PDO Nose Thread Lift is a non-surgical treatment to augment the nose so that patients will have a higher nose bridge and a more defined nose.

Radiolysis Facial Fat Slimming

Excess facial fat can be removed non-surgically using radiolysis treatment by using insulated RF microneedling to melt and drain stubborn fat.

Ultherapy Facial Slimming

Ultherapy is an FDA-approved non-surgical skin lifting treatment for areas such as neck, chin and brows. It can also reduce bulk on the face.

Silhoutte Soft Thread Lift

Silhouette Soft Thread Lift is a non-surgical, minimally-invasive skin lifting treatment for people with saggy, loose skin.

PDO Thread Face Lift

PDO Face Thread Lift is a non-surgical technique for lifting saggy, loose facial skin caused by the gradual loss of collagen and elastin.