Redustim - Body Contouring Treatment | Radium Medical Aesthetics

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Aesthetic Treatments


Fat Loss Treatment with Visceral Fat Reduction

Visceral fat, or the fat surrounding the organs in the abdominal cavity, is also known as “active fat”. It influences how certain hormones work in the body. Excessive visceral fat can have potentially harmful consequences, most notably increased health complications. The real danger is that you can’t always feel or see it. Some people can be described as “skinny fat”, meaning that they may have a pretty flat tummy but still have a significant amount of visceral fat.
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Dangers of having excess visceral fat

Maintaining a sedentary lifestyle coupled with poor food choices tend to accumulate body fat. Too much of any body fat is bad for health. Compared to subcutaneous fat (the type of fat that lies underneath the skin), visceral fat is more likely to increase your risk of serious medical conditions such as type 2 diabetes, high cholesterol, stroke, heart diseases etc. Doctors believe that visceral fat increases the production of certain proteins that directly cause inflammation to the body’s tissues and organs and narrow blood vessels. With the increase in blood pressure, a host of other medical conditions follow.

Ways to assess visceral fat

The only way to accurately measure how much visceral fat you have in your body is to undergo a scan. However, the doctor will not order a scan for you just to measure the amount of visceral fat. Another simpler method you can do at home is to measure the largest part around the waist and hip, and divide the waist measurement by the hip measurement. A healthy body should have less than 1.0 for men and 0.85 for women. Another good indicator of high visceral fat is having a high BMI score and a disproportionately large waist. If you have both, the chances of you having a high level of visceral fat are high.

How to lose visceral fat

The best way to shed the excess fat is through exercise. Visceral fat responds better to diet and exercise than subcutaneous fat. Incorporating at least 30 minutes of moderate exercise into your daily regime will also prevent visceral fat from coming back. Although oral medications are available in the market, this option is not as effective as exercising regularly.

Introduction to Redustim Treatment In Singapore

Redustim is a medical device targeted at patients with stubborn abdominal fat concerns. The biostimology technology utilises a low frequency alternating bioenergetic magnetic field. This magnetic field stimulates imperceptible muscle contraction, which in turn induces energy consumption. This results in the breakdown of fat cells in both the visceral fat and subcutaneous fat layers, as well as enhanced lymphatic drainage to eliminate toxins and reduce water retention. Furthermore, besides proven reduction in waist circumference and visceral body fat, Redustim treatments have been associated with improved metabolic liver parameters such as transaminases.

What is the treatment like?

This 45-minute treatment is completely painless with no downtime. It is prudent to avoid a heavy meal 1 to 2 hours before treatment. It is also important that one does not consume carbohydrates or sugary food 4 to 6 hours after the Redustim treatment as the targeted fat continues to be broken down. A minimum of 12 treatment sessions is recommended, with a minimum of two to three 45-minute sessions per week, over four to six weeks.

Frequently Asked Questions About Redustim In Singapore

Who is a suitable candidate?

Redustim treatment is suitable for anyone who aims to get rid of excess abdominal fat to reduce associated health risks.

However, this treatment is not suitable for:

  • People suffering from skin conditions or have open wounds (cuts and ecchymosis)
  • People suffering from serious illnesses
  • Pacemaker carriers
  • Pregnant women
What is the downtime of Redustim?

There is practically no downtime associated with this treatment. You may feel some tightness and compression of the body during the treatment. You will be able to resume your daily activities immediately after the treatment.

Is Redustim a body contouring treatment?

No, Redustim is a fat loss treatment focused on reducing visceral fat which can lead to various health complications.

Can the Redustim treatment be combined with other treatments?

In general, yes. For best results, Redustim (which targets visceral fat) can be combined with body contouring treatments like fat freeze and TRILIPO™ which target subcutaneous fat (the type of fat that lies underneath the skin).

Are the results of the Redustim treatment permanent?

In general, the visceral fat that is removed from the body should not return. However, to maintain the result, one should adhere strictly to a regular exercise and diet regime.

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