Eye Resuscitation Programme | Radium Medical Aesthetics Singapore

Radium Aesthetic

Customising Your Beauty Journey

Eye Resuscitation Programme

Lift Droopy Eyelids with RF Microneedles

Facial skin is very thin especially around the eyes. The eye contours have the thinnest and most fragile skin on the face. With constant exertion, eyes are always the fist area of your face to reveal signs of ageing. Furthermore, the eye contours do not have sebaceous glands, collagen, or elastin fibers which are key to preventing appearance of wrinkles and fine lines.

On the average, we blink about 15-20 times a minute. This translates to about 25,000 times in a day. Our eye muscles are strained daily to perform the perpetual motion. This is why our eyes are always the first to show signs of aging with droopy eyelids, eye bags, dark eye circles, wrinkles, and fine lines.

Anti-Ageing Treatments for Eyes with RF Microneedles

Without medical treatments, you can’t delay signs of ageing around the eyes no matter how hard you try. Since the skin around our eyes are thin and sensitive, the treatments must be both precise and gentle to effectively combat signs ageing. This extremely sensitive and fragile area can bruise and swell easily if not treated well.

Designed specially to combat fine lines around the eyes, droopy eyelids and eye bags, our Eye Resuscitation Programmes tighten skin and reduce the appearance of eye bags, under eye wrinkles, and lift droopy eyelids. This gentle but result-driven treatment uses radiofrequency energy to target the fatty tissue in the eye bags, and loose skin around the eyes. Each session is complete with a Radium Eye Mask reduce puffiness so that you can return to normal activities as soon as possible.

How Does It Work?

Using a special partially micro-insulated needle, the doctor creates tiny holes on the skin surface to deliver precise radiofrequency waves into the skin while protecting the surface of the skin from heat injury.

By heating the tissue around the droopy eyelids, it stimulates tissue remodelling and production of new collagen and elastin. This process provides an effective and convenient alternative to surgical facelift and other invasive cosmetic treatments.

Using the same technology, RF microneedling can also melt excess fats in your eye bags. The melted fats then drain out naturally via your circulatory system. At the same time, the radiofrequency waves stimulates collagen remodelling and growth to tighten and firm the skin after the eye bags are reduced.

What is the Downtime Associated with Eye Resuscitation Programme?

You may experience some mild swelling and redness at the treatment site. As micro-holes are made to deliver the radiofrequency waves under the skin, the mild swelling may persist for 3 to 4 days. You are recommended to reduce social engagements and try to rest at home after the treatment.

How Many Sessions Are Required?

Although you can see visible results after one treatment, you may be advised to undergo a programme of 3 sessions for an effective and longer-lasting results.

How Long Can The Results Last?

Best results can be observed 4 weeks after the initial treatment. The result can last for about 2 years. However, we encourage that you repeat the treatment between 12 to 18 months to enjoy longer-lasting results.


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    Visible tightening and firming of droppy eyelids
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    Reduce appearance of eye bags
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    Reduce hooding of heavy eyelids
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    Non-surgical option with minimal downtime and side effects

Best For

Men and women who have premature ageing around the eyes such as droopy eyelids and eye bags, but are unwilling to consider surgery yet.

Awards and Accolades

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    Women’s Weekly Spa Awards 2017: Best Age-Defying Eye Treatment

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